The Assante Difference
The Complete Approach to Wealth Management
At Assante, we simplify your life by meeting all of your wealth management needs in one place.
You may have a number of professionals who provide you with sound advice in their areas of expertise; however, each may be making recommendations without the full knowledge of the others’ advice.
As your main source for all of your wealth needs, we can help you make the right decisions.
Through a personalized, comprehensive approach to wealth management, Assante provides access to a broad range of services and solutions supported by an in-house network of wealth planning experts including investment analysts, accountants, lawyers and estate planning consultants.
As your trusted advisors, we pull all the pieces together to provide you with the big picture – an overall perspective that integrates all aspects of your situation. Together, we will review and evaluate your current financial affairs to formulate a plan that encompasses your entire financial well-being, from investments and insurance, to tax planning and estate planning, to your personal and family wealth, to your business interests.

Investment Counsel
Choosing the right investment advisor can be difficult, stressful and time consuming. The right investment strategy is one that you are confident in and can understand. Without this, you run a great risk of exiting the markets at inopportune times which can have devastating effects on your long-term rates of return. Assante helps you choose the right portfolio for your specific situation and risk tolerance. That’s what a good investment advisor does. Our goal here is to tell you a little bit about what we do and find out if we are a potential good fit. We believe in actively managed and globally diversified investing and tailoring the risk of the portfolio specific to your goals and comfort level. This achieves two things: discipline and expectation management, which are two traits we think are paramount in achieving long term success in investing. Actively managed and globally diversified investing takes the decision-making process out of your hands and puts it in the hands of professionals, who have more resources and processes to make more sound decisions. Secondly, tailoring the risk of the portfolio specific to the individual client eliminates surprises and reduces the risk of making a mistake. These are the foundations of our investment strategy for every client and find it to be very successful in the long run.

Tax Planning
A wise person once said, it’s not what you make it, it’s what you keep. Tax planning is a vital component to every financial plan. According to a recent study conducted by a Vancouver based think tank, Canadians pay an alarming 42.5% of their income to taxes per year. This includes income taxes, property taxes, HST etc. This figure only increases as income increases, meaning the more money that is earned by an individual, the more taxes are paid on every dollar. Finding solutions to reduce the amount of these taxes paid to the Government and kept in the portfolios of our clients can substantially preserve their net worth over their lifetime and as it is passed on to the next generation. By collaborating with tax professionals and experts in the areas of taxation from our wealth planning group we ensure that our clients have a thorough and effective tax strategy specific to their objectives and within the boundaries of our income tax act. Permanent life insurance solutions, corporate class investing and corporate tax analysis are some of the ways we achieve this, especially for high net worth families and business owners.

Risk Management
Are you protected?
In life there are two types of events that we deal with, ones that we can control and ones that we can’t. Buying a house is a perfect example of an event we can control. We can control the type, location and cost of what we are looking to buy. An example of an event in which we have no control over is a premature death and sudden disability or illness. This is where risk management becomes an especially important component to every wealth plan. A lose of life or the ability to make a living can be crippling to a family and this type of planning is a key safeguard from these risks. The process of managing these risks involves identifying how to protect everything that is important to you. We can help you achieve this by using life, disability, critical illness and long-term care insurance that can be afforded. By hoping for the best but planning for the worst we assure that you and your loved ones are taken care of. As fully licensed, experienced insurance advisors we are able to provide extensive knowledge and proficiency in the application of risk management and everything that it encompasses.
Insurance products and services are provided through Assante Estate and Insurance Services Inc.

Estate Planning
Do you have one?
One of the trials that comes with accumulating wealth is figuring out the most tax efficient way to leave it for the ones you love or the things you care about upon your death. Wherever you plan to leave your wealth, a sound estate plan is essential in facilitating the transfer of the wealth and preserving it from various estate settlement fees like taxes, probate and legal costs. When it comes to estate planning, the wealth of resources that we have at our disposal is unrivaled in the industry. Our desire is to give each client the assurance that what they have built will be taken care of, not just in their lifetime but also after. By incorporating several estate planning strategies we keep more of your hard earned savings where they belong, with you and all the things you care for, once you’ve passed.
Insurance products and services are provided through Assante Estate and Insurance Services Inc.

Business Succession Planning
Are you a Business Owner?
Being that several business owners have complex business structures, planning needs and tax issues this is an area that we feel is commonly underserved in the financial advisory market. Many business owners are busy running their businesses, focusing on the day to day operations, ensuring client and customer relationships are nurtured and long-term prosperity. This doesn’t leave much time to think about and plan for the transition into retirement and potential sale of their business to the next generation or another business owner in the area. This is where we add value. By putting strategies in place years before the “expected” transitional date, you can save a lot of money in taxes, professional fees and assure a smoother purchase and sale of the business, whether it be a partial sale or sale in its entirety. For several business owners, their business has been the bloodline of their family’s lives for decades, by having a succession plan in place they can protect what they’ve worked so hard to build and make sure it is left in capable hands for the future.